Collision Properties (Cross Sections and Rate Constants)
Information on collision properties (cross sections and rate constants) is of principle importance for the multiscale multilevel modeling of processes in combustion, microelectronics, atmospheric chemistry, photo chemistry, and gas dynamics. Kintech Lab expertise allows high-level evaluation of the lacking collision properties, including spectroscopic and thermodynamic data literature mining, quantum chemical calculations, and finally up-to-date microscopic dynamics calculations for the following processes:
- Processes involving heavy particles
- Equilibrium reactions of neutral particles
- Ion-molecular reactions
- Energy exchange processes
- Elastic collisions
- Processes of heavy particles on the surface
- Processes involving electrons
- Elastic scattering of electron by an atom and molecules
- Electron impact excitation of atoms and molecules
- Electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules
- Recombination of charged particles
- Attachment and detachment
- Photoprocesses