Electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules
Quantitative data on the cross sections of electron impact ionization of atoms is of great importance for kinetic modeling in plasma chemistry, laser physics, and combustion. Models of electron impact ionization of atoms are based on simple but reliable similarity function method. This method requires only minimal set of atomic parameters such as ionization potentials (IP) and equivalent electron numbers (N) of atomic subshells. The main feature of the method is the suggestion that the cross section of the process depends upon the ratio between the projectile energy and the ionization potential of atomic subshell. This suggestion may be justified in the frame of consistent consideration of the problem from the first principles.
- Direct collision ionization of atoms and molecules
- Stepwise electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules
- Dissociative ionization
- Penning ionization
- Ionization involving an excited atom
- Associative ionization
Electron impact ionization of Te
Triple electron-ion recombination and stepwise ionization for K
Direct impact ionization of atoms and molecules
Ionization of an atom in a collision with a resonantly excited atom