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Recombination of charged particles

Recombination of charged paticles determines the ionic content, ionization degree and character of decay of low temperature plasmas. The processes of such a kind are of a great importance in Earth atmosphere, gas discharge plasma, molecular lasers, high pressure lighting lamps, plasma chemical technologies etc. The prevailing specific mechanism of recombination is determined by the temperature and pressure of plasma and its ionic content.

KINTECH Lab has elaborated effective approaches to evaluation of the rate constant of recombination of charged particles. These approaches are based on the experience accumulated by KINTECH Lab researchers during long time investigations in low temperature plasma. Rate constant of the mutual ion-ion neutralization in pairwise collisions is calculated on the basis of modified Landau-Zener approach. Rate constant of ion-ion neutralization in three particle collisions calculated using a simplified approach based on the time hierarhy various stages of this multi-stage process. The similar approach is used for calculation of three-particle electrons-ion recombination. The calculation of the dissociative recombination coefficient is based on the usage of result of quantum chemical calculations of parameters (width and energy vs inter-nuclear distance) of the auto-ionization state of an excited quasi-molecule involved into the process. 

  • Ion neutralization in pairwise collisions
  • Ion neutralization in three particle collisions
  • Dissociative recombination of an electron and molecular ion
  • Three-particle electrons-ions recombination 

Triple electron-ion recombination and stepwise ionization for K

Ion neutralization in three particle collisions

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