Example: soot growth reaction C2H2+C2H2 -> C4H3+H
The reaction C2H2 + C2H2->C4H3 + H is of importance in the process of soot formation at high temperatures. The rate constant of this reaction was evaluated using the statistical theory of bimolecular reactions via an intermediate complex. The parameters of the potential surface of the system were evaluated ab initio using the complete active space self-consistent field method and the second-order multi-reference Moeller-Plesset perturbation theory using the PC-GAMESS program package. The results of of rate constant calculations
k=2.5 ·103 T2.5exp(- 44400/RT)
are shown in the figure along with the experimental data. In the present case of strongly discordant experimental results, it can be supposed that theoretical results are more reliable.